Life is for the living

So get out there and do it~!!



BiG BeAdS AnD MoRe

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Just trying to be an artist is a full time job~~~

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Boasting there is truth in Modesty

Bla Bla Bla, is what I felt I had said when I tried to let another artist know I had helped paint a set for a local play. Well, So had she!! As soon as I mentioned the play ~ Out of her lips poured "I did this and that" and "oh my gawd I painted a book and you should see my art its over here and here's my web page".It was exhausting listening to her, after she was done I looked over at the women sitting beside me and very quietly said " I helped with painting a set , it was a big job and I'm glad its done" and with that she responded " that's nice" Then said,"I blocked out every other word that women had said,all I could here was Bla Bla Bla and can you see me, look at me". I'm so glad I didn't sound like that because it happens that she was irritating to others as well. As she left the room it was as if a breath of fresh air came in. Your talent goes noticed even if you don't think it does. Stiffen up your lower lip and listen its an art form as well.

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